Electronic prescription sign up nomination form.
This will only take a minute
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Confirm password
Date of Birth
Telephone Number
Post Code
Do you normally pay for your prescriptions?
Please note if you have NHS pre payment certificate please choose NHS Free.
NHS Free
NHS Paid
How did you hear about RXLIVE?
Social Media
Not Applicable
Brand Ambassador
Other(Write a message)
Online Search
Referral Code (Optional)
Checks if code is valid
I agree to the terms and conditions and RXLive to access my summary care records. In addition, I understand the RXLive service/ EPS system and would like to nominate RXLive ltd to collect my prescriptions on my behalf
I would like to receive prescription updates, email notifications & reminders from RXLive. We will not email you any Junk mail or give your details out to any third parties.
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Please Note: Sign ups after 6pm will be processed at 9am of the next working day.